Wrapping Up 2022
Many gifts were wrapped and left under the tree, but it's hard to wrap the gift that Camp Hope is to so many families. Camp touched many kids who needed a friend or hope for a broken heart, including foster kids, kids from group foster homes and lonely kids. We loved on kids from 2-parent homes, single parent homes, large sibling groups that otherwise cannot attend camp, and kids being raised by grandparents. This year we helped 2 churches to partner and provide camp to 11 Ukrainian refugee kids. As we wrap up the year, we are so thankful for all our campers and supporters that make it happen. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Karen Phillips, Executive Director
Sandee Swarner, Office Manager
Darlene Kulla, Assistant Program Coordinator
3000+ CAMPER-HOURS In 2022 we offered 15 days of camp to kids ages 9-17. Group sizes ranged from 20-46 campers, and camps ranged from 1/2 day to 3 days. In all we provided 463 camper-days and over 3000 total camper-hours. (i.e., 30 kids at a 3-day camp=90 camper-days).

1000+ VOLUNTEER HOURS This year our small army of volunteers cleaned, painted, repaired broken toilet seats, raked leaves, cut grass, fixed equipment, cleared trails, pulled invasive scotch broom, filled holes in roads, led archery, led crafts, cooked, mentored young kids, and more. Hip-hip-hooray!
Please email camphope@camphope-wa.org if you or your group would like to volunteer at camp.

LOCAL GROUPS SERVE 457+ YOUTH, 410+ ADULTS Camp Hope of SW WA served 17 groups who rented the facilities for day use and overnight camping in 2022. We love helping you serve kids and families! If your group would like to rent the camp next year, please apply online at

OUTDOOR SCHOOL FOR ALL Camp Hope of SW WA is preparing to begin offering OUTDOOR SCHOOL in 2023. Maybe you experienced outdoor school at CISPUS Learning Center in 6th grade. House Bill 2078 established a statewide outdoor school program and offers grants to schools to ensure all students have a chance to benefit from outdoor school. Many local schools have received grants for 2023 and plan on starting with a day at Camp Hope this spring. For more information visit: https://www.outdoorschoolswa.org
"From stress reduction to improved focus and engagement to better academic performance, outdoor-based learning helps kids thrive."
HOUSE BILL 2078 State of Washington
Please email us if you are interested in bringing your school for a field trip this spring or planning overnight outdoor school at
HELP US BUILD AN OUTDOOR KITCHEN The camp has no dining hall but instead uses a concrete dining patio with access to outdoor sinks and refrigerators. A new outdoor kitchen with a fixed metal gazebo, stainless-steel work surfaces, food warmers, and propane grills will prepare the camp to serve healthy meals to campers and outdoor school students. A healthy meal is a vital part of the camping experience as 60% of our campers are on free and reduced lunch programs.

ROOF UPDATE Thanks to our donors and supporters, Camp Hope of SW WA replaced 7 roofs in the past year. The need is still great, however. We have 18 more buildings needing new roofs. They were last replaced prior to 1996 when the Girl Scouts of America managed this site as Camp Juliana. One cabin that sleeps 8 impacts hundreds of youths each year! Can you help us update our roofs to provide kids and families with a dry bunkhouse?
Mail a check to:
Camp Hope of SW WA
PO Box 2464
Battle Ground, WA 98604
Or donate with your credit card online at